Friday, April 12, 2013

Confession #17...Brain function is essential

This really isn't a confession, rather an experience I had this morning at the library.

A woman walked up with a young man, probably early 20s.

Me: How can I help you?

Patron:  Where is level four?

Me: Level four? This library doesn't have a level four.

Patron: I need books on a level four.

Me: Are you looking for children's books? (There are some adult books on an easier reading level and I wanted to make sure I took her to the right place)

Patron: Yes

Me: Let me show you where they are.

We walk over to the JE (juvenile early reader) section.

Me: Here are the books. They are alphabetized by author, but on the spines of most of the books, it indicates what reading level this is.

Patron: My son needs to read books as part of his therapy. He had a brain injury and his therapist said reading this books will help develop the part of the brain that was injured.

Me (to male patron): Did you have any favorite books as a kid?

Patron: I really liked Dr. Seuss

Me: Well, Dr. Seuss is awesome. He is still one of my favorites. Here are his books. You might want to also look at these non-fiction books. I have found that non fiction is easier to understand because the vocabulary is recognizable and basic.

Patron: Thank you. We will look at these.

Me: Please let me know if you need some further suggestions or if I can help with anything else.

WOW! Love helping people! Isn't this the best job in the world!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Confession #16...I REALLY like new books

I have too many books. It's just a fact. One can say that there are never too many books, but since I am moving in the next few months, I began packing them up.  The last time I moved, I had 27 boxes of books. Now, these are not small boxes. These are the large Barnes & Noble boxes that can hold 40 big hardcovers, 100 paperbacks and let's not even get started on how many picture books they can hold! They also are really heavy, because I pack them full.

Why do I have so many books? Have I read them all?

In my previous life as a bookseller, I spent hundreds of dollars a month on books. Most of them, I haven't read, but they were the type of books I wanted on my bookshelves to impress the hoards of people who come to my home. At such a great bargain ($9.99 minus 30% plus tax), I found some gems. Some, after reading were donated or in most cases, put behind other books I liked. (Yes, I have to double stack my bookshelves)

I have read the majority of them. Some I haven't read yet, but plan to. They ARE on my to-read list.

However, in the past few months I have been re-evaluating my purchasing habits. Why do I buy the books I do? Also, for some reason, I have more money in savings than I had in the past. It's not because I am working more, rather, I am not buying as many books. Which can be a good thing and a bad thing.

My friends and family will tell you I rarely give a gift that is not a book. For Christmas, I choose (1) book that I really liked and give it to everyone. Yup, (1) book. It makes remembering who gets what easier. My 8 year old and 10 year old nieces love to get books but my 12 year old niece does not. The boys are ambivalent. So, since I am clearly not cutting down on how many books I give as gifts, it must be that I am not buying myself new books.

And there's the confession...I REALLY like new books, but I don't want to buy them. Before, if it looked mildly interesting, I would buy it, read it and if I didn't like it, donate it or hide it. Now, I have to have fallen in love with the book to buy. It has to be something I want to read again and again and again. I don't even buy as many book sale books for the library as I used to.

I am still reading as much as I did, if not more now.  As of right now, I only have (9) books checked out and (5) e-books. My pile next to my bed is much shorter than I was just a month ago. I have (3) audio books on my phone that I plug into the speaker in my office so I can listen and read.

Want to know the last book I purchased?

I can't wait until the next book comes out in October. I haven't read this yet, but plan to while on vacation this summer. It looks really good on my bookshelf (I haven't packed up that shelf yet).

So, any suggestions on what I should read? I have a long to-read list on goodreads, but I am always looking for good recommendations. Who knows? I may like it enough to go and buy it!