This really isn't a confession, rather an experience I had this morning at the library.
A woman walked up with a young man, probably early 20s.
Me: How can I help you?
Patron: Where is level four?
Me: Level four? This library doesn't have a level four.
Patron: I need books on a level four.
Me: Are you looking for children's books? (There are some adult books on an easier reading level and I wanted to make sure I took her to the right place)
Patron: Yes
Me: Let me show you where they are.
We walk over to the JE (juvenile early reader) section.
Me: Here are the books. They are alphabetized by author, but on the spines of most of the books, it indicates what reading level this is.
Patron: My son needs to read books as part of his therapy. He had a brain injury and his therapist said reading this books will help develop the part of the brain that was injured.
Me (to male patron): Did you have any favorite books as a kid?
Patron: I really liked Dr. Seuss
Me: Well, Dr. Seuss is awesome. He is still one of my favorites. Here are his books. You might want to also look at these non-fiction books. I have found that non fiction is easier to understand because the vocabulary is recognizable and basic.
Patron: Thank you. We will look at these.
Me: Please let me know if you need some further suggestions or if I can help with anything else.
WOW! Love helping people! Isn't this the best job in the world!!!!!!!!!
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