Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Confession was fun being the BIG CHEESE

Last night at a small library, I was the only librarian in the building. This essential meant, I was in charge. I was the BIG CHEESE. I could tell people to leave. I could kick people out. I was in charge!

One of the staff members thought I was bored, which was not the case. It was just really quiet. I did have to tell a few hooligans to hold it down and did the whole "I am watching you" thing, but for the most part, it was a great night.

Today I did receive some not so great looks like I am going to have to wait a lot longer than I anticipated for a job with SL County as a childrens/young adult librarian. Apparently there are so many people on the list that have 5-10 years experience, it looks like I may be subbing for a while.

Don't get me wrong. I like subbing. I would just really like to have a children's librarian job. This is not to take away from my friends who have just recently gotten jobs or those who have already been hired. I am happy for them, but a little sad for me.

The right job. The right library. The right time. It's coming...I just have to be patient.

1 comment:

  1. You will be an AWESOME children's librarian! Get the job at one of my locals and we'll come visit you all the time!
