Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Confession #10...To Shhhh or not to Shhhh

The other day, I shhhhhh'd my first library patron. I had a bun in my hair, was wearing my glasses and had on a long skirt and cardigan. I seemed to be the epitome of a old school librarian.

This is not necessarily how I looked, rather how I felt
Some kids were being a little unruly, as children are and I shhhhh'd them. It felt great! I had been waiting for this day since I started library school...the day I could shhhhhh and feel good about it.

What I find humorous is this...a few days after the day of shhhhhhhing, a library patron walked up to me and said "You know, librarians are louder than patrons. Librarians talk at the top of their voices then make those around them be quiet.".

Needless to say, this made me pause. I wondered if in fact, I had been speaking too loudly for the library and I was in the wrong for shhhhhing these kids.

Then sanity took over. Nope, I was just fine.

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