Thursday, February 14, 2013

Confession #15...I am Good Reads

One of the best and worst things about being a librarian is that you are surrounded by books all day long. It's not a strange environment for me to be in. Let's face it, I worked for a bookstore for almost 15 years and was surrounded by them all day long. I survived just fine.

A few years ago, I stumbled upon this fabulous website...goodreads. Now I could finally get rid of all the pieces of paper I had laying around the house with book suggestions on them. I could put them in one place and shazam! They were all together.

The great thing about it, is that I get suggestions from friends, books they are reading, they have loved, they want to read. My eyes look over them and think "Hey, I want to read that book too!"

As of today, I have 1,063 books on my to-read list! 1,063!!!!! I read 216 books last year. That means, at my present rate of reading, I will get through this list in 5.315 years! Years! 1,940 days! AND that's not in addition to any books I choose to add to the list!

I am not going to figure out the hours because math was never my strong subject. But over 5 years!!!!!

In my defense, I recently purged this list. It used to have almost 1,500 books on it. I even deleted all of the duplicates I had on the list (there were only 30 so it wasn't as dramatic as I am making it sound). I just realized there were lots of books I wasn't interested in reading anymore. I discovered there were about 100 I had in fact read and forgot to update.

I recently broke off my "professional" reading from my personal reading. I found I had a hard time keeping track, so, I simply created an alter ego, who is very stingy with her stars and doesn't write actual reviews. I only add books I can give 3 stars to. I started doing this thanks to a friend of mine. She didn't add any books that she couldn't give at least 4 stars to. Her reasoning was this...she is a writer and someday she may end up sitting next to another author and she doesn't want them to think that she didn't like their book. I guess it could be rather awkward.

Anywhoo, to make a long story short. I am addicted to goodreads. Plain and simple.

If you want to check out my profile, I am listed as Angie the Librarian.

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