Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Confession #10...To Shhhh or not to Shhhh

The other day, I shhhhhh'd my first library patron. I had a bun in my hair, was wearing my glasses and had on a long skirt and cardigan. I seemed to be the epitome of a old school librarian.

This is not necessarily how I looked, rather how I felt
Some kids were being a little unruly, as children are and I shhhhh'd them. It felt great! I had been waiting for this day since I started library school...the day I could shhhhhh and feel good about it.

What I find humorous is this...a few days after the day of shhhhhhhing, a library patron walked up to me and said "You know, librarians are louder than patrons. Librarians talk at the top of their voices then make those around them be quiet.".

Needless to say, this made me pause. I wondered if in fact, I had been speaking too loudly for the library and I was in the wrong for shhhhhing these kids.

Then sanity took over. Nope, I was just fine.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Confession #9...Kids make me laugh

This past week while subbing at a local library, I had a little girl come up and ask me about the book flies in diarreah. It was hard not to laugh, but inside the whole time, I was thinking "I can't think of a single book about flies and diarreah. Flies and dead bodies, yes, but not flies and diarreah."

I looked and looked and didn't find anything. She said she had read it at school and I couldn't come up with anything. She went away and came back and said, "I know the author is Doreen Cronin". At this point, I figured out what she meant...Diary of a Fly...

I went and found it for her, then suggested the following books:

I love seeing kids with books and I what I love even more than that is their funny questions. So kids, keep them coming. They make my day!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Confession #8...I have finally figured the showers out!

When I first started working at the library, I was faced with an interesting conundrum. Why did all the libraries have showers in the restrooms?

I have worked for over 6 months with this question. Finally, this past week I asked.

It's because the library can be considered a community center and gathering point when a disaster happens. The laws regulating said centers indicate that there must be a shower available.


So, it's not just for use by employees who haven't paid their water bill?

Or when you go running on your lunch break, come back and take a quick shower.

Or can be used for storage.

Or just to look pretty.

I am not exactly sure how each library uses their shower, but, it's a facinating topic. That's not to say that every library has a shower. But, wouldn't it be interesting to see if all library showers are the same or are some designer like this one:

 or are some just like this one:

However the shower looks at your local library, one thing is hopefully sure, they will be place you can go in the event of a disaster.

Just be sure to bring your own towel and soap!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Confession #7...

I have my dream job. I am finally enjoying my work life. But, it's a lot of hard work.

One of the most difficult things about being a librarian, is not knowing what kind of question you will get next.

Case in point...tonight I am working (of course I am) and I have had 19 different patrons ask me 10 different questions. While most of them have been, "How do I print?", there have been a few that are more difficult to answer.

Answering reference questions is difficult. You have to ask a series of questions in order to get to the root of what a patron is asking. Very rarely will they come out and tell you exactly what they are looking for.

Except the patron I just helped. :)

So, it's always interesting when a patron walks up. What are the looking for? Can I help them? I do my best, but sometimes there are those questions that I just can't answer.

When in doubt, I ask another librarian. I have found I learn more when I ask questions. So if you are a librarian, be forewarned. I may be coming to you for help!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Confession #6...I HEART Reader's Advisory...

 Today I helped a 5th grader, who is already a ravenous reader, find some other series that might interest him. I recommended:

There were lots of others that I recommended, but this is just a partial list.

What I find so intriguing about reader's advisory, is the variety of books I recommend. Wednesday night, I had a patron ask for good historical fiction. Another asked for clean mysteries. Another asked for biographies.

The good thing about this, is that since I read a wide variety of genres, I feel comfortable recommending almost anything. The only exception would be sci-fi/fantasy. Since I don't read much of that, I have to rely on what my dad and brother read.

When asked what my favorite book is, I tell them it depends on the day. I have so many favorite books and authors.

Just to prove my point, here's what I am currently reading:

A little of this, a little of that. No much sci-fi/fantasy. But that's okay. Maybe in a few months I will be on a sci-fi/fant kick. The great thing about reading, is that no matter where you are, a book can take you somewhere else.

Confession # 5..I thought it would be busier...

Today as with most Fridays, I am working at one of the many branches in the SL system. This week I have worked at the same library (that's just where I picked up the most shifts) and I have today, I thought the library would be a lot busier. Maybe it's the rain. Maybe it's UEA weekend.

Not that I am complaining.

Monday night, it was a little busy. This library does most of their programs on Monday nights. Makes sense, knowing the community demographics.

Tuesday, not busy at all.

Wednesday, even quieter, except for the large scout tour that came in.

Friday, well, today it's been pretty quiet. I know it will get busier later in the afternoon as people are getting home from work and wanting DVDs for the weekend. Let's face it, getting to rent a DVD from the library for a week without having to pay $1.50 a night is nice.

So, about 4 pm, I expect it to pick up.

Until then, I'll smile and ask patrons if they need some help. I'll look at the latest best-seller lists and add books to my already crazy long list of books to read, and maybe read a library magazine or two.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Confession #4...the reason I am a librarian!

Tonight has been an eventful night. I am working at a library that I have worked at many, many times. I just love this library. It's the library I went to when we moved back to Utah from Idaho. The patrons here are just great.

Case in point...tonight a family came in and let's just say...they are the reason I became a librarian.

The father came up with his library card and said he wasn't sure it was still good. I looked it up and verified all the information and told him it was still active. He said he was excited because his family has not been coming to the library for a long time but they have decided that they need to. He wanted to sign up this three children and get a library card for his wife.

I helped them fill out the form and then showed them where to get their library cards. After they had all received their cards, they came back to the reference desk and asked me for help finding books. After asking a few questions, I figured out that the oldest boy, who was in junior high had to read classics as part of his English class this year. He asked me my opinion on a book and I told him it was okay, but that there were others on the list that were easier to read and more interesting. I showed him a few other books, then his dad asked me if I would highlight some books on his list for future assignments.

It was immensly gratifying to recommend books that I love (as I have read most of the books on his list) and talking to him about some of my favorites.

About 10 minutes later, the middle boy came up and asked me for a good book for him. I asked him what type of things he wanted to read about and we found him three books that he was really excited about.

5 minutes later, the youngest came up and asked me for a good book. I showed him Bark George by Jules Feiffer and he loved it.

After everything was done, this family had been at the library for over an hour and were excited to come back. I hope to see them the next time I work at this library. Helping people find what they need brings me so much joy. To see the "light" come into their eyes when they find something they like is even better.

I love my job and I am so grateful I took the leap of faith that I did to make a change in my life. It's one of the best decisions I have ever made and I don't think I will ever regret it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Confession's quiet here...

In general, the library is quieter than most places I have worked. The exception to this would be during storytime, right after school and pretty much anytime there are kids who are respectful.

Having said that, the library is quiet. The first week I started working at the library, I could hear the sound of clicking (people typing at the computers), soft whispers and the air conditioning/heater running. Since it has been four months since I  began, I can say, it hasn't changed much.

Some libraries are louder than others. But long gone are the images I had of what a librarian looked like and behaved...
FYI, this is NOT the type of librarian I am...
Gone are the days of card catalogs, stamping books and shushing patrons. Now they are librarians who in my opinion are real people. When I was young, I wondered if librarians were aliens because they never smiled. Now I do my best to smile at every patron I see.

I think it is important to note that a library doesn't always have to be quiet. At the library I worked at last night, it is quite the opposite. My first day there, I was taken back by the underlying "buzz" of the library. There always seemed to be something going on. Even at 10 am when the library opened, there were a plethora of people. There is a real community vibe to this library and I think it is all the better for it. At other libraries, I can work a 4 hour shift and if I see 10 people, it's busy.

Even though I have discovered that a library isn't necessarily the romanticized version of what I thought it was when I was a kid, I have grown to love the library and love the job I have. While I may miss music playing occasionally, I don't miss hearing the same CD's over and over and over again in the same day (all I have to say about that is GOTYE! AH!!!!!)

Simply put, I love working at the library. Even if it is quieter.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Confession was fun being the BIG CHEESE

Last night at a small library, I was the only librarian in the building. This essential meant, I was in charge. I was the BIG CHEESE. I could tell people to leave. I could kick people out. I was in charge!

One of the staff members thought I was bored, which was not the case. It was just really quiet. I did have to tell a few hooligans to hold it down and did the whole "I am watching you" thing, but for the most part, it was a great night.

Today I did receive some not so great looks like I am going to have to wait a lot longer than I anticipated for a job with SL County as a childrens/young adult librarian. Apparently there are so many people on the list that have 5-10 years experience, it looks like I may be subbing for a while.

Don't get me wrong. I like subbing. I would just really like to have a children's librarian job. This is not to take away from my friends who have just recently gotten jobs or those who have already been hired. I am happy for them, but a little sad for me.

The right job. The right library. The right time. It's coming...I just have to be patient.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Confession #1

It's been quite a while since I blogged here. So, I have a confession.

I am no longer a would-be librarian. I am actually a librarian!

I work for Salt Lake County Library services and work as a sub, which means I get to go to all the libraries in SL County and work.

Worst things about being a sub:
  • You sometimes have to take what you can get. There are not an overabundance of hours some weeks, so if you are fast, you get the jobs. If not, well, be grateful you worked a lot the week before.
  • Travelling to the different libraries can be a pain. 
  • Each library is different. While they are all the same on a basic level, each one does things just different enough that it gets confusing after a while. Believe me, remembering which libraries do punch cards for Reader's Choice can be difficult.
Best things about being a sub:
  • You get to choose your own schedule and choose which libraries you work at.
  • You get to serve a variety or patrons.
  • No responsibility. You show up, you work, you go home.
  • Paychecks...I love being paid 150% of my previous life salary.
  • The patrons--I love them! I have made friends at several libraries that I wouldn't normally frequent and I love it!
  • Being able to use my degree! I finally feel like the past two years of hard work are paying off. Yes, I am considered a "temporary" employee, but I like it.
  • The opportunity to work at so many places and network. This is the best! However, it can be like being constantly job interviewing.
Well, that's it for today's confession. I plan on blogging about my experiences subbing around the county and the things I encounter.

P.S. What's the world coming to? Teen Paranormal Romance? I thought this was a passing fancy by evidently not...